re you looking to dive into the world of reading but need help figuring out where to begin? These 10 YouTube videos are here to guide you through your literary journey. From book recommendations and reading strategies to tips on building a reading habit, this list has got you covered. Get ready to enhance your reading skills and discover the joy of books with these informative and engaging videos.

Many of us desire to expand our knowledge, improve our skills, and learn from experts. However, the traditional education system might have negatively impacted our enthusiasm for learning and reading. Properly approaching reading can lead to numerous benefits.

Successful entrepreneurs and writers frequently emphasize the significance of reading. There are also several YouTubers who discuss the habit of reading.

Developing a habit of reading is an excellent practice for young minds, as it can lead to a lifetime of success. Let's explore some effective ways to build a strong reading habit that can help individuals achieve their goals and make the most out of their lives.

I learned a system for remembering everything - Matt D'Avella.

The video is about how to improve memory and recall information from non-fiction books. The speaker, Matt D'Avella, admits that he has a terrible memory and needs to remember most of what he reads. He decided to learn how the most intelligent people remember information and implement those systems himself.

The speaker then introduces Ryan Holiday, an author of many self-help books. Ryan shared his method for remembering information, which consists of three parts:

  • Taking notes while reading
  • Revisiting and revising the notes after finishing the book
  • Categorizing and filing the notes

The speaker then goes through the process himself, reading a book by Ryan Holiday called "Courage is Calling". He highlights the essential parts of the book, writes notes on sticky notes, and then transfers them to notecards at the end. He acknowledges that this process is slow and time-consuming but believes it will help him remember the information better.

The speaker also acknowledges that it is not about becoming superhuman and remembering everything but rather about taking the time to process the information and find ways to use it. He also mentions that enjoying the process of reading is essential.

1.How To READ A Book A Day To CHANGE YOUR LIFE - Jay Shetty

The video is about how to read more books in a year. In the video, Jay Shetty says that people should not feel obligated to finish every book they start and instead should focus on getting the most out of the books they read.

He suggests several strategies to help people read faster, including skimming, highlighting important passages, and using audiobooks.

He also recommends that people start by watching a TED Talk or YouTube video about the book they are interested in to get a general overview of its main ideas. Finally, he suggests that people write down three things they learned from each book they read: a story, a statistic, and something they want to share with someone else.

Here are the key points:

  • Refrain from finishing every book.
  • Focus on getting the most out of the books you read.
  • Skimming, highlighting important passages, and using audiobooks can help you read faster.
  • Watch a TED Talk or YouTube video about the book before reading it.
  • Write down three things you learned from each book: a story, a statistic, and something you want to share with someone else.

2.The Huge Misconception About Reading by Improvement Pill

People think they read to retain information, which society has told us. Reading is like working out for your brain. It is essential to read consistently to see the benefits.

Successful readers train their minds regularly, just like people who go to the gym train their bodies. Even though society doesn't value reading as much as working out, reading is the most important habit.

Reading opens your mind to new ideas, ways of thinking, and mental fortitude, which will help you achieve your dreams. In conclusion, stop focusing on training your body and mind by reading consistently.

3.How to Remember More of What You Read by Thomas Frank

Thomas Frank splits the video into two parts, covering how to remember information from different types of books.

The first type of book contains facts and concepts, such as textbooks. He recommends five techniques to remember information from these books:

  • Pre-reading: Before reading a chapter, skim the contents, chapter headings, subheadings, and summaries. This primes your brain to pick out important information.
  • Highlighting: Only highlight important passages after you have read and understood the text, not while reading.
  • Taking notes: After reading a section, take notes on the most essential details, including key terms, main points, and examples.
  • Summarizing: After reading a chapter, summarize the main points in your own words.
  • Finding secondary sources: Look for other sources of information, such as podcasts or documentaries, to supplement your reading. This will help you build additional connections to the material and increase your interest in the topic.

The second type of book teaches you something you will use, such as a book on music theory or cooking. Combining reading with doing is the most effective way to remember information from these books. For example, if you are reading a book about music theory, you could practice playing scales on the piano after you read about them.

The speaker also recommends taking a break after reading a chapter or section to allow the information to marinate and integrate into your existing knowledge. Finally, he suggests watching documentaries or other media related to the topic you are reading about to expand your knowledge and interest further.

4.Reading Changes Your Brain, let me explain. - Dr Jack Close

The video is about building a reading habit. The speaker, Dr. Jack Close, acknowledges the difficulty of sticking to a reading habit and offers three strategies he has been using to encourage himself to read more.

The first strategy is to start small. Dr Close recommends reading a small amount daily, such as two pages from a book on the Kindle app. He has found that this small dose of reading tricks his brain into thinking he has already read something for the day, making him more likely to continue reading.

The second strategy is to archive what you learn. Dr. Close highlights passages from books that resonate with him and stores them on a Readwise website.

This website sends him daily reminders of his favourite parts from his books, which helps him retain the information and motivates him to read more.

The third strategy is to set reading times. Dr Close has committed to reading something every night before bed, even just for a few pages. He acknowledges that this can be difficult to stick to when he is tired, but he has found it an effective way to build a reading habit.

In addition to these three strategies, Dr Close plans to use his YouTube channel to help him stay accountable for his reading goals. He will make monthly book reviews and encourages viewers to hold him responsible by reminding them to make these reviews.

5.How to 'Read' 1000 Books a Year -  Ali Abdaal

The video is about a method for reading many books in a year. The speaker, Ali Abdaal, argues that people should only feel obligated to finish some of the books they start and that it is more important to gain insights from books than to read them cover-to-cover.

Ali Abdaal proposes a four-step method for reading a thousand books a year:

  1. Fill the funnel: This involves finding many books you might be interested in reading. The speaker suggests using resources like Goodreads, Twitter, and podcasts to find book recommendations. He also recommends using a service like Shortform to read summaries of non-fiction books.
  2. Make it effortless: This involves making reading a convenient part of your daily routine. The speaker suggests using audiobooks and ebooks to listen to books while commuting, exercising, or doing other activities.
  3. The blog post mindset involves treating books like blog posts and not feeling obligated to finish them if you do not find them valuable. The speaker suggests skimming or skipping sections of books that you find uninteresting and focusing on the parts that you find most useful.
  4. Go deep: This involves spending more time on the most exciting books. The speaker suggests taking notes, writing summaries, and engaging with exercises to get the most out of these books.
  5. "Reading 101: How to Read Faster and Understand Better" by Ron White, Memory Expert

Active reading techniques enhance comprehension levels significantly. By highlighting key points or taking notes, readers can better retain information.

Using a pacemaker, such as a finger or pen, while reading helps maintain focus and improves reading speed effectively.

Breaking down complex information into smaller sections aids in understanding intricate concepts more quickly.

Regular vocabulary exercises and practical usage help expand word knowledge efficiently over time.

Engaging in pre-reading activities like skimming chapters provides an overview that primes the mind for better content absorption.

6.How To READ A Book A Day To CHANGE YOUR LIFE - Jay Shetty

The video is about how to read more books in a year. In the video, Jay Shetty says that people should not feel obligated to finish every book they start and instead should focus on getting the most out of the books they read.

He suggests several strategies to help people read faster, including skimming, highlighting important passages, and using audiobooks. He also recommends that people start by watching a TED Talk or YouTube video about the book they are interested in to get a general overview of its books.

Finally, he suggests that people write down three things they learned from each book they read: a story, a statistic, and something they want to share with someone else.

Here are the key points:

  • Remember to finish every book.
  • Focus on getting the most out of the books you read.
  • Skimming, highlighting important passages, and using audiobooks can help you read faster.
  • Watch a TED Talk or YouTube video about the book before reading it.
  • Write down three things you learned from each book: a story, a statistic, and something you want to share with someone else.

7.How to Read More - Jared Henderson

"How to "Read More" emphasizes the importance of finding good motivation for reading, such as personal development and expanding knowledge, rather than reading for vanity.

Jared suggests pursuing variety in genre and format, using physical books for note-taking and audiobooks for lighter reading.

To increase reading frequency, the speaker advises scheduling consistent reading time without distractions and eliminating unnecessary forms of entertainment to make more time for reading. Improving reading ability requires regular practice, similar to physical exercise.

He emphasizes the importance of asking oneself why one wants to read more and finding a good motivation. The goal should not be about vanity but personal development, learning new things, and expanding one's horizons.

He also advises pursuing variety in genre and book format to maintain interest for extended periods. They suggest reading physical books for note-taking, audiobooks for pleasure, and light reading.

Note-taking should still be kept in moderation and used as a tool for understanding rather than an end in itself.

The speaker recommends scheduling reading time to read more books. By blocking regular and consistent time slots to focus solely on reading, readers can eliminate distractions and significantly increase the number of books they read in a year.

To do this, the speaker suggests thinking about what other forms of entertainment can be eliminated to make more time for reading.

Although it may be challenging to maintain focus and attention while reading initially, regular practice will improve readers' reading skills, just as regular exercise improves physical ability.

8. How to become a better Reader! - Ankur Warikoo

The video is about how to improve reading comprehension and retention. The speaker, Ankur Warikoo, shares his process of reading non-fiction books.

Here are the critical points of WarikooWarikoo'sg process:

  • Read only non-fiction: Warikoo only reads non-fiction books because he wants to apply the learnings to his life.
  • Start reading on a Kindle: He recommends starting on a Kindle because it allows highlighting and easy searching of highlighted parts.
  • Read 30-45 minutes daily: Warikoo suggests reading in the morning when you are most alert and focused.
  • Skim while reading: He recommends skimming through the text to get the main points and avoid getting bogged down in details.
  • Remember to finish every book: If a book doesn't interest you, Warikoo says it's okay to abandon it and move on to another one.
  • Highlight and take notes: While reading, Warikoo highlights anything that strikes him and notes how he can apply the learnings to his life.
  • Review your highlights and notes: After finishing a book, Warikoo reviews his highlights and notes and reflects on how he can incorporate the learnings into his life.
  • Reread impactful books: If a book significantly impacts him, Warikoo adds it to his "reread" list "and revisits it occasionally.

Warikoo also mentioned that he doesn't use audiobooks because he finds reading and writing more effective ways of learning. He also avoids reading multiple books simultaneously and focuses on finishing one book at a time.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I start reading more books if I struggle to find the time?

If finding time is challenging, try incorporating reading into your daily routine by setting aside specific times, like during your commute or before bed. Small, consistent efforts can lead to significant progress in building a reading habit.

What are some practical tips for improving reading speed and comprehension?

Practice techniques like skimming for main ideas, scanning for keywords, and using tools like speed-reading apps to enhance your reading skills. Take breaks when needed to maintain focus and understanding while increasing your pace.

How do I cultivate a consistent reading habit amidst distractions?

Create a conducive environment by minimizing distractions, such as turning off notifications or finding quiet spaces. Set achievable goals and hold yourself accountable with tools like habit trackers or joining book clubs for motivation and consistency.

Are there any strategies to make non-fiction books more engaging and accessible?

Approach non-fiction reads with curiosity by previewing chapters, taking notes on key points, and connecting concepts to real-life scenarios. Visual aids such as diagrams or illustrations can also aid in grasping complex information effectively.

What role does mindset play in developing a love for reading?

An open mindset towards different genres allows you to explore diverse topics that resonate with you. Viewing reading as an enjoyable journey of discovery rather than a chore can foster a genuine passion for books over time.

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