Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.”— Leonardo da Vinci
When kids have a positive attitude, they're more likely to be engaged in the learning process and more likely to persevere when faced with challenges.
As a parent, you can help your child develop a positive attitude towards learning by modeling positive behavior yourself, promoting a growth mindset, and encouraging your child to take pride in their accomplishments.
There are a few key things you can do to encourage a love of learning in your children.
1. Make learning a priority in your own life. When your kids see you reading, studying, and pursuing new knowledge, they'll be more likely to view learning as something important and worth their time. You can also talk to your kids about the things you're learning and why you find them interesting. This will help your child see that learning can be enjoyable and enriching, even for adults.
2. Promote a growth mindset in your child. You can help your child develop a growth mindset by praising their effort rather than their intelligence, encouraging them to persevere when they encounter difficulties, and helping them to see failure as an opportunity to learn
3. Encourage them to ask questions . When your children see that you are interested in their questions and want to help them find answers, they will be more likely to view learning as a positive experience. It may not be possible to know the answer to every question and that's where Google comes in but learn together.
4. Make learning fun. If your children associate learning with games and activities that they enjoy, they will be more likely to see it as an enjoyable experience. For Eg. if they are learning French at school- listening to some songs/poems can be a good idea.
5. Incorporate learning into everyday life. Doing things like reading together on topics that they have already been learning, incorporating maths when doing financial transactions,learning measurement in kitchen are some ways to connect learning to daily life practice.
6. Set aside sometime each day for learning. Dedicating some time each day to learning activities will help ensure that it remains a priority for children. I have been there personally - randomly asking my son to do something was not helping. So slowly we started doing our assignment around a particular time. Now he automatically sits around that time to finish his tasks. There are days he is not ready to work and that is completely fine.
7. Find your child's learning style. Some children learn best by listening to audio-books, some like to touch and feel things. Try different approaches like showing videos, and converting learning materials to a story can help them understand better.
8. Give them options. Children should get the choice to study when they feel like so encourage them to create a schedule. The choice of subjects should be given to them. This will help them be more independent and engaged.
9. Appreciate them when they make progress. A positive reinforcement always helps. When they do something good- make sure you appreciate it through words or little gifts. Have you noticed how learning apps encourage learners through claps and stickers etc. or just telling them congratulations?
10. Make learning a judgement-free zone. It's important that your children feel comfortable making mistakes and taking risks when learning. This will help them feel confident about trying new things and expanding their knowledge base.
11. Kids should feel inspired- Help them find a role model or someone who has been working in the field the kids are exploring. This will help kids visualize the process of learning.
12. Don't make learning a result-oriented program- The goal should be to make learning a part of their life and not just something that happens when they have to achieve a result. Just being worried about their scores will takeaway the joy from learning.
Consciously practising this can help kids develop a positive attitude towards learning. Learning should be a lifelong activity and if you can instil that love of learning in your children from an early age, they will be more likely to carry it with them throughout their lives.
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