di, my son, and I are on a learning yatra, exploring various learning spaces across the country. Recently, we had the opportunity to spend a day at Creativity Adda, a vibrant learning space located within a government school in Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi.

What is Creativity Adda?

Creativity Adda is a unique initiative that provides children with a platform to explore and develop a wide range of skills. This space is designed to encourage creativity and self-directed learning, allowing kids to pursue their interests passionately.

The variety of activities offered here is truly impressive.

A Day in the Life at Creativity Adda

At the creativity Adda, learning about their learnign process.

During our visit, we observed children engaging in an array of activities:

  • Music Making: Some kids were immersed in creating music, experimenting with different instruments and sounds.
  • Dance: Others were practicing dance moves, learning new styles and techniques.
  • Digital Skills: A group of children was busy learning digital skills, including coding and graphic design.
  • Cooking: In another corner, kids were learning to cook, discovering new recipes and culinary techniques.
  • DIY Projects: We saw children working on DIY projects, building and creating with their hands.
  • Games and Sports: Many were also involved in various games and sports, honing their physical abilities and teamwork skills.

See the Video here

Kids at the practise session in the dance studio at Creativity Adda.

Mentorship and Collaborative Learning

What stood out to us was the collaborative environment at Creativity Adda. The children were not only learning on their own but also taking help from mentors and co-learners.

This mentorship model fosters a sense of community and support, encouraging kids to learn from each other and grow together.

Kids working at the makerspace in Creativity Adda

A Space to Learn and Grow

Creativity Adda is a beautiful space where children can learn and grow. It provides them with opportunities that many traditional schools do not offer. Here, kids have the freedom to explore their passions, develop new skills, and pursue their dreams.

This model of learning is inspiring and demonstrates the importance of providing children with diverse opportunities to discover their potential.

Kids at the game center in Creativity Adda.

Our day at Creativity Adda was enlightening and inspiring. It reinforced the idea that learning can happen in many different ways and environments.

Creativity Adda is a shining example of how providing children with the right resources and support can help them thrive.

As we continue our learning yatra, we are grateful for spaces like this that nurture creativity and growth in young minds.

Jun 27, 2024
Alternate Learning

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