ife gets busy, we are chasing things. Discovering new things and making plans to reach goals. It can be hard to make time for our kids, but I believe it's important to spend quality time with them.

One thing my kid and I like to do is reflect and set intentions together. Reflection helps us both become more aware of what we are feeling, and how our actions affect others learning from them is important, but so is taking the time to reflect and set intentions.

As a parent, I have found that sharing reflection and setting intentions with my child can be an incredible bonding experience.

January just whizzed past us, so I thought it was a great time to ask my son what he learned and to also set intentions for the upcoming months. We wrote all that be achieved in the month of January, Things we could not do, and those we could do.

We also noted down our learnings and what could be done differently next time in order to achieve better results.

The first step in this process is to find a quiet space where you and your child can sit together without any distractions. This could be a park bench, the end of your bed, or anywhere else that feels comfortable to both of you.

Once you are in this space, it’s time to reflect on what has gone well and what could have been done better over the last week or month.

This is not a time for criticism; rather, it’s an opportunity to reflect on mistakes and successes and discuss how these experiences have helped shape you both.

Things you might need:

  • Paper, pen/pencil
  • Music if you like
  • A journal or a template on the notion (Find the free template below)

Once you are ready to start your reflection session, I suggest that you each write down three words or phrases that accurately describe how the past month made each of you feel. This can be anything from good to bad, happy to sad.

Writing these words down serves as a way to acknowledge and accept your feelings. It also helps you both to be honest and open with each other.

If children are stuck asking open-ended questions can help, or ask them some reflection questions.

For example:

What are the three most important things you learned this month?

What experience from this month will you remember for years to come?

How has this month impacted your view of yourself, and how have these changes been meaningful to you?

The next step is to set an intention for the upcoming week or month. This is a great time to think about what you'd like to achieve as individuals and as a family, such as reading more books together or going for a bike ride once a week. Setting small goals is a great way to motivate both you and your child, and it leaves room for growth and development as you both reach those goals.

Once we were done with that, my son shared his dreams for the upcoming months with me. I took it upon myself to make sure he understood the importance of setting realistic goals and working hard towards them.

We also discussed our goals for the coming months. My son looks forward to traveling in the month of February. We both agreed that this is a good goal and we can make plans to travel together.

This monthly reflection routine has become an integral part of my kid's life, and he looks forward to it every month. It not only helps him build strong values but also encourages him to dream big and work hard towards his goals. I'm so proud of him and grateful for this amazing bonding experience we both share.

Weekly reflective writing with kids

Children can be encouraged to do weekly reflections to stay on top of their goals. This can help them identify areas for improvement and provide motivation to work harder in order to reach their goals. It also teaches them how to set achievable goals, break down large tasks into smaller ones, and make the best use of their time.

Taking a few minutes out each week for reflection can be an invaluable experience for kids, helping them to become more organised and motivated in their daily lives. If this activity is done throughout the year, children can keep track of all that happened end of the year and plan on how to set new achievable goals for the upcoming year.

Benefits of reflective practice with kids :

  • This activity helps build strong values in children,
  • Encourages them to reflect on their mistakes and successes,
  • Sets realistic goals.
  • It also helps parents become more aware of how their actions affect their child's learning process.
  • It serves as an opportunity for both parties to bond and strengthens the communication between parent and child.
  • Journaling helps kids reflect and learn from mistakes, they can also reflect on their strengths and weaknesses
  • Incorporating reflective practice is a great way to teach kids self-reflection, and helps develop metacognitive skills
  • When children develop reflection skills their ability to think critically increases, and they will find it easier to express their ideas.
  • Journal writing also helps kids with creative writing and  can help with their communication skills
  • Finally, this activity provides a platform for both parents and children to talk about their goals, dreams, and aspirations. Writing reflections is a great way for families to come together and build strong relationships.

Benefits of setting intentions:

  • Setting intentions helps create clear and attainable goals.
  • It allows people to focus on the future instead of dwelling on the past or being consumed by the present.
  • It also encourages people to take action and remain motivated, which is essential for achieving success. Setting intentions also enables individuals to identify what they want in life, making them more aware of their values and beliefs.
  • Lastly, this activity helps foster communication between parents and children, as it allows them to openly discuss dreams and aspirations. Ultimately, setting intentions is a great way to motivate and inspire people to reach their goals.

How can reflective practice help self-learners?

  • Self-learners can benefit from writing reflections in multiple ways.
  • It provides an opportunity for them to evaluate their learning process and track their progress. Writing reflections also helps self-learners stay motivated and focused as they work towards achieving their goals.
  • Furthermore, it encourages a deeper understanding of the subject matter as it allows individuals to identify areas that require improvement.
  • It can be a fun way for kids who like to learn on their own and communicate their ideas
  • Journaling can help them identify their weaknesses and strengths, this way kids feel in control of their mental state. Their ability to reflect will improve with this habit
  • Overall, writing reflections is an important part of any self-learning journey as it encourages a deeper understanding of the content and allows individuals to stay focused on their goals.

How can reflective writing help world schoolers?

  • Writing reflections can be a great resource for world schoolers in multiple ways.
  • It encourages them to reflect on the knowledge they acquire from different cultures and countries, giving them a better understanding of their own values and beliefs.
  • Additionally, it helps nurture communication between parents and children as they embark on this journey together.
  • The activity also serves as an opportunity to set intentions, allowing individuals to stay focused on their journey and remain motivated.
  • It can be a great creative outlet in a variety of ways for kids who are constantly traveling
  • Children get to mention their thoughts and feelings through journal entries  

Therefore, it can be an invaluable tool for world schoolers in exploring the world.

Things to keep in mind while doing this activity

  • This should not be forced upon the child, it should be done as an enjoyable activity that nurtures the bond between you and your child.
  • It is important to stay patient throughout this process and remember that everyone learns at their own pace.
  • Be prepared to answer any questions your child might have about the activity or their reflection.
  • Let kids be free to draw pictures or doodle as they write their reflections. Encourage your kids to be creative and have fun while writing their reflections!
  • Positive or negative the ideas is to write consistently
  • Children can be asked open-minded questions that will help as prompts
  • This activity increases their self-awareness, and, their ability to express thoughts, emotions and life experiences.
  • It also helps develop a sense of empathy and emotional understanding.

Writing a daily journal can be a life-changing activity, children not only feel empowered but also feel confident. It's a great skill to incorporate if you have not started yet. It can be as simple as maintaining a simple notebook and writing the summary of their day.

At the end of the year, you'll be amazed how this quick and easy way of self reflection could help your child.

I'm sure it will be of great help to many families out there! Give it a try, and see how it helps your relationship with your child grow stronger!

Feb 4, 2023
Skills For Future

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