or years, coding was considered a vital skill for the future. From schools to tech boot camps, kids and adults alike were encouraged to dive into programming, with the belief that it would remain an essential tool in a rapidly digitalizing world.

However, the rise of artificial intelligence is beginning to challenge this notion. The question is no longer, "Should kids learn to code?" but rather, "What role will humans play in a world where AI can write code?"

AI's Role in Coding

AI-powered tools like GitHub Copilot, CodiumAI, Amazon CodeWhisperer, and others have revolutionized the coding landscape.

hese tools not only assist developers by automatically completing chunks of code but also offer suggestions, troubleshoot errors, and provide insights on how to improve existing code.

What used to take hours of manual effort is now possible within seconds, freeing coders from repetitive and mundane tasks.

Varun Mayya, a thought leader in the space, explains in one of his videos how coding is fundamentally divided into two parts: understanding the problem and solving it.

With AI’s rapid advancements, the second part—solving the problem—is increasingly becoming automated. AI can now write and optimize code more efficiently than humans, meaning developers might soon shift from "doers" to "managers" of AI.

The Transition: From Coding to Problem Solving

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang caused quite a stir recently when he declared, “Kids no longer need to learn to code—AI will do that for us.”

Speaking at the World Government Summit, he shared that while coding was once considered crucial for children, it’s now the opposite.

“Kids no longer need to learn to code—AI will do that for us.” - Jensen Huang.

With AI taking over much of the coding work, Huang suggests that understanding computer science fundamentals and problem-solving skills will be more important than mastering a specific programming language.

This doesn't mean coding will disappear altogether, but the focus is shifting.

Forbes recently echoed this sentiment, noting that while coding as we know it is facing disruption, the essence of creative problem-solving in programming is likely to remain a human endeavor for the foreseeable future.

AI can automate many tasks, but understanding how to frame a problem, design solutions, and troubleshoot will still rely heavily on human insight.

My son, Adi, has been using AI tools to code and build apps.

We have noticed that while AI can handle much of the syntax and generation of code, the real value comes from analyzing the problem, guiding the AI, and then troubleshooting and refining the results.

In this new landscape, it's not about whether AI can code—it's about how humans and AI collaborate to create innovative solutions.

What Does This Mean for Future Coders?

As AI continues to advance, the role of coders will evolve. The demand for low-level coding might diminish, but a new skill set will emerge: the ability to work with AI tools effectively, guide them, and solve complex, high-level problems.

Developers will need to focus on understanding programming concepts, frameworks, and systems while letting AI handle the grunt work. Problem-solving, error analysis, and optimization will become the core areas where human coders add value.

Aspiring coders will need to shift their focus from memorizing syntax and mastering specific languages to acquiring skills that enable them to collaborate with AI systems.

They will need to develop a deeper understanding of how algorithms work, become proficient at guiding AI tools, and refine their troubleshooting abilities.

In short, coding will no longer be about writing lines of code—it will be about creating solutions.

How Should We Prepare for the Future?

As AI continues to shape the future of software development, educators and learners need to adapt. Here are a few strategies to prepare for the shift:

Focus on Problem-Solving: Instead of just learning to code, focus on understanding the logic behind algorithms and how to break down complex problems. Creative problem-solving will remain a critical skill in the AI-driven world.

Collaborate with AI: Learn how to use AI tools effectively. Coders of the future will need to know how to guide AI systems to get the best results. Being proficient in working alongside AI will be a sought-after skill.

Emphasize Troubleshooting: AI may be able to write code, but when things go wrong, human intervention will still be required. Hone your troubleshooting skills to spot issues and optimize AI-generated code.

Adapt to the Changing Landscape: Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in AI and software. The tools and languages you learn today might be obsolete tomorrow, but adaptability will always be in demand.

Learn the Fundamentals: Even if AI is automating many tasks, a strong understanding of computer science fundamentals—data structures, algorithms, and design principles—will always be useful.


The rise of AI doesn’t spell the end of coding—it signals a transformation. While the mechanics of writing code may become automated, the essence of programming—creative problem-solving and design—remains as important as ever.

Aspiring coders should focus on honing their ability to analyze and solve problems, collaborate with AI, and troubleshoot effectively. By doing so, they’ll be well-prepared to thrive in a world where AI takes on the heavy lifting of writing code.

In this evolving landscape, the role of the human coder will shift, but it won't disappear. Instead, coders will focus on leveraging AI to solve more complex and meaningful problems, creating a future where human ingenuity and machine efficiency work hand in hand.

Oct 22, 2024
Digital Learning

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