di and I have been on an enriching learning journey, and our travels recently took us to the serene Tirthan Valley in Himachal Pradesh.

A friend strongly recommended this beautiful place because of its majestic mountains, the pristine Tirthan River, and the overall natural beauty.

Discovering Strot Foundation

Our main purpose in visiting Tirthan Valley was to learn more about the Strot Foundation, an organization dedicated to providing academic support and a nurturing learning space for rural learners in the valley. We had the pleasure of staying with one of the mentors from the foundation.

The experience was delightful, with the river flowing just a few steps from the house and the opportunity to immerse ourselves in local life.

Kids at the Strot learning space in Tirthan Valley.

Living the Local Life

Staying with a local family allowed us to enjoy authentic Himachali food, including dishes like sidoo and various local dals.

The simplicity and warmth of village life were evident in every interaction. We got to meet local women who shared stories about their lives in the mountains, where most families rely on farming and keeping cattle for milk.

Many families also open their homes to travelers as homestays, providing a unique glimpse into their way of life.

Making of the traditional Himachali food Sidoo.

Exploring Nature and Local Attractions

One of the highlights of our visit was the trek to the Chhie Waterfall, a beautiful spot just 45 minutes away on foot. The trek was totally worth it, offering breathtaking views and a chance to connect with nature.

Along the way, we chatted with local women, learning more about their daily lives and traditions.

Tirthan Valley is also home to the famous Great Himalayan National Park. While we didn't spot any animals, the park's natural beauty and serene environment made it a must-visit.

The area was refreshingly uncrowded, making it an ideal place for relaxation and deeper reflection.

chatting withe local Himachali Women.

Cultural Insights

During our stay, we learned about local legends and stories involving spirits, ghosts, and local gods. These tales provided a fascinating glimpse into the cultural heritage of the region and added an extra layer of depth to our experience.

A Place to Relax and Reflect

Tirthan Valley is perfect for those looking to unwind and reflect. The peaceful environment, combined with the friendly local community, made our stay incredibly relaxing.

We visited a couple of quaint cafes and enjoyed the slower pace of life in the mountains.

Adi chilling at a cafe in Tirthan Valley.

Our visit to Tirthan Valley was a wonderful learning experience. From the welcoming locals and delicious food to the stunning natural beauty and cultural insights, we left with a deep appreciation for this special place.

The work being done by the Strot Foundation is truly inspiring, and we were grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow during our stay.

If you're seeking a destination that combines natural beauty, cultural richness, and opportunities for personal reflection, Tirthan Valley is a place you must visit.

Adi and I cherished every moment of our time there and look forward to more adventures in this incredible part of the world.

Jul 1, 2024
Alternate Learning

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