nschooling is a learning method that allows children to pursue their own interests and learn at their own pace. It is based on the philosophy that children are naturally curious and will learn best when they are allowed to explore their interests.
Unschooling does not follow a set curriculum, but instead encourages children to learn through real-life experiences and hands-on learning.
Some parents choose to unschool their children because they believe that traditional schools do not meet the needs of all children. Others believe that unschooling provides a more relaxed and enjoyable learning environment.
Whatever the reason, unschooling is an alternative way of education that is growing in popularity.
The idea of unschooling excites me because it takes away the pressure of having to "keep up" with everyone else and learn at a pace that is comfortable for me.
Unschooling is child led learning . The child chooses what they want to learn about and when they want to learn it. There is no set curriculum or timetable. This type of learning is often seen as more relaxed than traditional schooling, but that doesn't mean it's easy.
It can be just as challenging, if not more so, because the child has to be self-motivated and organised.
Unschooling philosophy states that that every child has the ability to learn on their own, without being dictated upon. Parents become learning partners, as opposed to being in control.
This way of learning can often be seen as more 'natural' because it follows the child's interests.
Some people worry that unschooling means that children will not learn essential skills, such as reading and writing. However, research has shown that unschooled children are often just as successful as their counterparts in traditional schools.
I like to explore about different approaches to education and Unschooling is one way of education that makes me curious.
A large part of the population is getting creative and this is inspiring many people to self learn. That would also mean that self-directed learning will have a major role to play in the future where the needs are not predictable.
I have collected some Unschooling quotes, that shows different perspectives:




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