The world is changing rapidly, and so are the skills required to succeed. Future skills are essential for career growth and development. They encompass a range of fundamentals, from technical abilities to soft skills like communication and adaptability. The importance of future skills lies in their ability to enhance job performance, making you more valuable as an employee or entrepreneur.

Creating a profile with future skills can be a crucial step toward landing your dream job.

In today's fast-paced world, it's never too early to start developing your future skills. Whether you're a student or a seasoned professional, investing in your skillset will pay dividends in the long run.

Impact of Technology on Future Skills Development

Digital Transformation in the Workplace

The impact of technology on future skills development is immense. The digital transformation has changed the way we work, learn, and develop future skills. With the increasing use of digital technologies, more companies are looking for professionals who have a good understanding of cloud computing and other emerging technologies.

Cloud computing is becoming increasingly important in today's world as it offers a range of benefits such as scalability, flexibility, and cost savings. It allows businesses to store data remotely while providing access to it from anywhere in the world. This means that employees can work remotely without being tied to a physical office.

Emerging Technologies Creating New Job Roles

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are two emerging technologies that are creating new job roles that require specialized skills. AI is already being used in various industries such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. As AI continues to evolve, there will be an increased demand for professionals who can design and implement AI systems.

Automation is another technology that is changing the way we work. It involves using machines or software to perform tasks that would normally be done by humans. Automation has already replaced many jobs in manufacturing and other industries but has also created new job roles such as robotics engineers.

Industry Demands Proficiency in Emerging Technologies

The industry demands professionals who are proficient in these emerging technologies. Employers are looking for individuals with a strong technical background and experience working with these technologies.

To keep up with the pace of technological change, individuals must continuously update their skills through training and education programs. Many universities now offer courses focused on emerging technologies such as AI, machine learning, blockchain, and cybersecurity.

What Will Be New in 2030?

It's difficult to predict exactly what will be new in 2030 regarding technology's impact on future skills development; however, some trends seem likely.

One trend could be an increased focus on soft skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and communication. As automation takes over more routine tasks, employers will be looking for individuals who can think critically and creatively to solve complex problems.

Another trend could be the increased use of virtual and augmented reality in education and training programs. These technologies offer a more immersive learning experience that can help individuals develop new skills faster.

Resources and Programs for Improving Future Skills

Google Code Labs

Google offers free access to its Code Labs, which is an excellent resource for learners who want to improve their programming skills. The labs are designed to help individuals learn how to code in a practical way by providing step-by-step instructions and examples. There are different levels of difficulty, so beginners can start with the basics, while more advanced programmers can challenge themselves with complex coding problems.

Tech Mahindra on Future Skills

Tech Mahindra, a leading technology solutions provider, has introduced an advanced learning ecosystem known as the #UaaS (Upskilling-as-a-Service) platform. This platform serves as a skill marketplace, leveraging artificial intelligence to offer associates interactive, on-demand, and personalized upskilling opportunities in a self-service mode.

Going beyond traditional learning platforms, #UaaS provides more than just theoretical knowledge. It offers a comprehensive learning experience by incorporating practice environments, assignments, and real project opportunities through the #NewAgeDelivery Platform.

With a proactive approach to grooming associates in this new age, Tech Mahindra's #UaaS is proving to be a crucial factor in their pursuit of being FIT4Future and driving inclusive growth within the organization. By enabling continuous learning and empowering the workforce with essential skills, Tech Mahindra is ensuring that its associates are well-equipped to thrive in the future.

Accenture on Future Skills

Accenture, a leading global professional services company, recognizes the importance of skilling all employees for the future of work. They understand that both short-term and long-term considerations are crucial when developing skills across the workforce. Here are some key ideas that form the foundation of their approach:

  1. Establishing a Culture of Continuous Learning: Accenture understands that creating a culture of continuous learning is essential for attracting and retaining talent. They acknowledge the challenges businesses face in finding workers and believe that offering access to ongoing education can be a differentiating factor. By enabling employees to acquire new skills, Accenture ensures that they are equipped to keep pace with the evolving nature of work.
  2. Improving Skills Equitably: Accenture recognizes the need to cultivate skills in an equitable manner, especially for those workers who may have exited the workforce during the pandemic. They are committed to bringing back individuals who may have been left behind, ensuring that they receive the necessary support and training. Accenture acknowledges the skill gap between different segments of the workforce, and they strive to address this disparity, particularly in emerging technologies.
  3. Customizing for Greater Impact: Accenture believes in personalizing the skilling experience for each individual. They emphasize understanding the unique needs, goals, and aspirations of employees. By recognizing the skills individuals already possess and identifying any gaps, Accenture can provide targeted and efficient skilling opportunities. They also envision the future integration of blockchain technology, enabling the creation of a "skill passport" that captures an individual's skills in a transferable record throughout their career journey.

McKinsey on Future Skills

According to research by the McKinsey Global Institute, the rise of automation, AI, and robotics will lead to changes in the job landscape. Certain jobs will be lost while new ones will be created. As a result, the importance of high-level skills will increase. Manual, physical, and basic cognitive skills will become less in demand, while there will be a growing need for technological expertise, social and emotional skills, and higher cognitive abilities.

To encourage relevant adult learning, McKinsey Suggests:

  1. Establish an AI-driven training program aggregator: Create a platform that uses AI algorithms to guide adult learners on upskilling and reskilling needs, recommending relevant training programs based on market demand for skills. Governments should collect and organize data on jobs, skills, and training programs to enable accurate algorithmic recommendations.
  2. Implement a skills-based certification system: Move away from occupation-based qualifications and adopt a dynamic, skills-focused accreditation approach. Programs should cover practical skills and DELTAs (desired, essential, and latent transferable attributes) specific to occupations, allowing for updates and adjustments as job requirements evolve. AI algorithms can help identify and update skill sets required for different occupations.

Additionally, governments can consider funding schemes that prioritize DELTAs. Offering lifelong learning grants tied to programs focusing on employment-related DELTAs can equip individuals for the future of work. Funding to program providers can be contingent on employment outcomes or the inclusion of specific DELTAs in training modules.

Nasscom on Future Skills

According to the research by Nasscom, The future of work will involve technology-powered machines handling routine and administrative tasks, requiring employees to learn how to use these technologies. Skills required for emerging technologies will evolve over time. Learning in the digital age necessitates agile strategies and self-paced learning, with gamification and hands-on experiences playing a role.

As online and technology-based learning gains traction, self-paced learning is on the rise. Employees must take responsibility for acquiring future-relevant skills. Gamification is emerging as a trend, with organizations utilizing hackathons and other gamified approaches for hands-on learning.

Continuous learning becomes crucial as jobs evolve and new combinations of human skills are needed. "Composite capabilities," encompassing technical skills, professional skills, and domain knowledge, are key. Organizations must embrace lifelong learning and map out employee career paths to ensure relevance and progress. Agility in career progression and employees' learnability will be essential factors for attracting and retaining talent.

Online Learning Programs

Online learning programs offer a convenient way for students to earn credits and improve their future skills from anywhere in the world. These programs typically include video tutorials, assignments, quizzes, and exams. Some popular online learning platforms include Coursera, Udemy, edX, Skillshare, Khan Academy, Codecademy.

Video Tutorials

Video tutorials are an excellent resource for learners who prefer visual aids when learning new concepts or skills. They provide step-by-step instructions on how to complete specific tasks or projects using different tools or software applications. YouTube is a great platform for finding video tutorials on various topics related to future skills.

Coding Bootcamps

Coding bootcamps provide intensive training in programming languages like HTML/CSS/JavaScript/React/Node.js/AngularJS/Ruby on Rails/Python/Django/Swift/iOS development etc., usually within days or weeks instead of months or years. They focus on hands-on experience rather than theoretical knowledge and aim at preparing students for entry-level jobs as developers.

Training and Certification Requirements for Future Skills

Importance of Certifications and Credentials for Future Skills

In today's competitive job market, having the appropriate certifications and credentials is becoming increasingly important. Employers seek candidates with strong skill sets that can be validated by a recognized certification or credential. Obtaining these certifications requires completion of courses and passing exams.

Red Hat Training and Google Cloud Skills Boost Programs

Red Hat Training offers training programs in various areas such as cloud computing, DevOps, automation, containers, and more. These programs provide hands-on experience to learners to develop their skills in real-world scenarios. The program also includes an exam which is required to obtain the Red Hat certification.

Google Cloud Skills Boost is another training program that provides learners with the necessary skills required for cloud computing. The program offers multiple courses on different topics such as machine learning, data analytics, application development, infrastructure modernization, etc. Upon completion of these courses, learners are awarded badges that validate their skills.

Why Future Skills Matter for Career Growth

In today's fast-paced world, having the right skills is crucial for career growth. Future skills are the key to staying relevant and competitive in the job market. The impact of technology on future skills development cannot be overstated.

To improve your future skills, there are many resources and programs available, including online courses, workshops, and mentorship programs. Training and certification requirements vary depending on the field you're interested in pursuing.

Investing in developing your future skills can pay off in many ways. You'll be able to adapt to changing technologies and industry trends, making you a valuable asset to any organization.

Most children around the world have access to primary and secondary schooling, but not all of it is of high quality, and early education for the very young—the best age at which to develop certain mindsets and attitudes—is unaffordable for most people in most countries. In addition, very few countries have worked out a system to provide affordable access to quality adult training.

Hence, just as the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century drove an expansion of access to education, today’s technological revolution should drive further expansion to ensure universal, high-quality, affordable access to education from early childhood to retirement and to ensure that curricula include the DELTAs that will future-proof citizens’ skills in the world of work. - McKinsey Global

Here are some FAQs that may help you better understand why future skills matter:

What are future skills?

Future skills refer to the set of competencies that will be required in the workplace of tomorrow. These include both hard and soft skills such as critical thinking, creativity, emotional intelligence, digital literacy, data analysis, and more.

Why do I need to develop my future skills?

Developing your future skills is essential for staying relevant in an ever-changing job market. By investing time into learning new competencies, you'll position yourself as a valuable asset to any organization.

How can I improve my future skills?

There are many ways to improve your future skills including taking online courses or attending workshops related to your field of interest. Seeking out mentorship opportunities or joining professional organizations can also help you develop new competencies.

What industries will require strong future skill sets?

Many industries will require strong future skill sets including tech-related fields such as software development or cybersecurity. However, other industries such as healthcare or education will also require individuals with strong critical thinking and digital literacy abilities.

How long does it take to develop new future skill sets?

The amount of time it takes to develop new competencies varies depending on the complexity of the skillset being developed. Some skills may take only a few weeks to master, while others may require several months or even years of dedicated study.

Are there any free resources available for developing future skills?

Yes, there are many free resources available online for individuals looking to develop their future skills. Websites such as Coursera, edX, and Khan Academy offer a wide range of courses on various topics.

Will developing my future skills help me advance in my career?

Yes, developing your future skills can help you advance in your career by making you a more valuable asset to your organization. Having strong competencies can make you eligible for higher-paying positions and leadership roles.

Investing in your future skills is an investment in yourself and your career. Don't wait until it's too late; start learning new competencies today!

Jun 6, 2023
Skills For Future

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