eading habits are important for kids because they help in the all-around development of a child. Reading develops a child's imagination and helps in building their vocabulary. Additionally, reading also promotes concentration and problem-solving skills. Hence, it is essential to inculcate the habit of reading in kids from an early age.

One of the best ways to develop a reading habit in kids is by reading aloud to them. This will not only help them understand the story better but will also instill in them a love for books. Additionally, parents can also take their kids to the library and encourage them to borrow books of their interest. By making reading fun and interactive, parents can certainly help their kids develop a strong reading habits.

In schools, we have a curriculum and we have books, kids read books as suggested by the teacher. Many kids start reading early while some kids struggle to read. Kids who struggle to read and who are not guided well generally don't develop a love for reading and face a lot of difficulties later.

There are several ways we can develop reading habits in our kids:

· One of the best ways is to read aloud to them. This will help them follow the story and they will also start developing a love for books.

· Take them to the library often and let them choose books of their interest.

· Make reading fun by incorporating games and activities related to the story.

· Encourage them to read more by offering rewards and incentives.

It's good to start the culture of reading quite early

Buying books for kids might not be enough, reading with kids is very important. That habit-building only happens when you read together with kids, discussing the story, and talking about the characters can help kids be involved in the process. They will soon get hooked on and in no time they will be reading with love. Reading is a very important part of education, and it should be started early. The benefits of reading are plenty, so make sure to build that habit in your kids!

When children are read to frequently by parents or other caregivers between birth and age five, they develop what’s called “print motivation.”

Print motivation is a child’s interest and enjoyment in books, along with a desire to learn how to read. Research has shown that print motivation is one of the best predictors of future reading success, even more so than a child’s IQ.

Make reading fun!

Read silly books, make funny voices, and laugh together. Let your child choose the book, even if it’s not one you would have picked out yourself.

I remember reading Tulika books with my son, he used to love the pictures. He always enjoyed books by Ashok Rajagopalan- I used to make cow sounds, sneezing sounds and he used to love those.

Read often.

The more you read with your child, the more print motivated he or she will become. Make reading part of your daily routine, even if it’s just for 10 minutes before bed.

You will be surprised that after a few years, kids will develop the habit of going to bed with a book. Now, my son, Adi does not go to bed without a book.

Start a home library.

Encourage your child to build his or her collection of books. A small bookcase in the bedroom is the perfect spot for a home library. As your child’s tastes change, so can the books on the shelves.

We collected a lot of books from book fairs, borrowing from friends and family. It is always nice to see children going to the bookshelf and picking a book for themselves.

Make it interactive

When you’re reading with your child, stop every few pages to ask questions or encourage him or her to make predictions about what will happen next. As your child gets older, he or she can take on a more active role in reading by sounding out words or helping to turn the pages.

Looking for books together

Going to a library together with kids, and going as a family to book fairs can help kids pick books they like, and they can see other kids reading as well. Read reviews of books together and have a wish list, very similar to the way you buy toys. Gift books to friends and family - this way you spread the love of reading as well.

It's fun to shop for books together. I and my son always read the reviews of the books and add them to our cart.

Indulge in Children's book

If you have not read some children's classics as a child, it is a great time to read them now with your kids. There are so many that adults can equally enjoy like -The secret garden, Heidi, graphic novels like The Calvin and Hobbes, Garfield, Peanuts, etc. There are so many Indian authors writing amazing books for kids like Devdutt Pattnaik who writes mythology, Ruskin Bond and Sudha Murthy who writes amazing children's fiction, History by Subhadra Sen Gupta, etc. These authors are worth exploring.

Benefits of reading 

Reading has too many benefits to avoid it -

Reading helps kids master vocabulary, they learn about a lot of different cultures through books. Books take us to different places and different times.

Books help kids develop perspectives, they get to see the world through different lenses.

Reading helps kids to sit in one place, and their concentration grows.

The love for books and reading grows genuinely because now the kids are exploring the joy of reading without having the pressure of writing exams and having to prove their academic knowledge.

· It develops their imagination and they learn to think out of the box.

· Kids who read have better vocabulary as compared to those who don’t.

· It also helps them concentrate and develop problem-solving skills.

· Reading also makes kids more empathetic as they are exposed to different points of view.

· It improves their writing skills as well.

Reading is a habit that needs to be developed at an early age as it helps in the all-around development of a child. By making reading fun and interactive, parents can help their kids develop a strong reading habits.

Apart from cognitive benefits, reading also has socio-emotional benefits. It helps in the development of empathy as children are exposed to different points of view. Reading also decreases stress levels and helps in relaxation.

Sep 11, 2018
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