di spends quite a lot of his time on a laptop that involves bending his body in an awkward position. As a result, he often complains about pain in his neck, shoulders, and back. I could see that he was exhausted and developing a bad posture.
He is playing enough but the neck and shoulders need to be stretched enough to fix the posture.
I showed him some basic yoga asanas that would help in fixing the posture and also give relief from pain.
We are not new to yoga, we have practiced yoga in the past but after I hurt my leg a couple of months we were not doing yoga at all.
We have started our yoga practice a week back and I can see the change already. We are doing it every day for about 20 minutes.
If you're new to yoga, start with a gentle class and gradually build up your practice
Yoga helps to improve flexibility, circulation, and strength. It also helps you to focus and be more aware of your body. There are different types of yoga and each one has
Yoga can be a great way to combat fatigue and restore energy levels. Research has shown that yoga can help increase energy levels and reduce fatigue. There are a variety of yoga poses that can help promote energy and fight fatigue. Here are some of the best yoga poses for tiredness:
We needed asanas to fix our posture- we are spending a lot of time on our gadgets and that leads to bending shoulders, neck, and back.
I showed Adi some basic yoga asanas that would help in fixing the posture and also give relief from pain.
Asanas to fix bad posture:
Cobra Pose: The cobra pose is a great way to open up the chest and lungs, which can help to increase energy levels.
- Stretches the spine, back, and belly muscles
- Elevates mood
- Strengthens the spine and shoulder muscles
- Opens the heart, increasing circulation throughout the body

Cow face: It improves the overall body posture.
- cures your stiff shoulders
- strengthens your back and chest

Wheel pose: The wheel pose strengthens and lengthens the vertebrae, which increases the elasticity and flexibility of the spine. Though this asana is not for beginners but can do it comfortably, I can't do this asana and he makes sure to show off his flexibility skills.
- stimulates the breath
- opens the chest and shoulders
- improves spinal flexibility
- improves strength

Downward Dog: provides incredible balance for mind and body,”
- Strengthens the upper body. The stabilizing position of a downward dog strengthens muscles in the arms, upper back, and shoulders.
- Elongates the spine.
- Strengthens hands, wrists, and fingers.

Seated Twist pose: Parivrtta Sukhasana
- Improves spinal mobility.
- Stretches the neck, chest, shoulders, upper and lower back.
- Opens up the hips.
- Improves posture.

Asanas to stretch the whole body
Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles and tendons shorten and become tight.
1. Camel pose: The camel pose is a great way to stretch the entire back body, including the spine, hips, and shoulders.
- Stretches and strengthens the shoulders and back.
- Improves posture.
- Opens the chest, improving respiration

Child Pose: The posture allows you to release tension as you reconnect to your breath and bring your focus inward, naturally bringing you to a much more energized state.
- stretches your spine, thighs, hips, and ankles.
- child's pose can calm your mind, reducing anxiety and fatigue.
- A child's pose can increase blood circulation to your head.
Extended puppy pose- It's a deep backbend that allows you to open up the chest (and heart chakra), and stretch all those areas that affect your posture.
- Stretches the spine and shoulders.
- Calms the mind and invigorates the body.
- Improves flexibility, especially in the spine.
Cat camel pose- The Cat and Cow exercise is a pose that is a beginner level and it helps to open up the spine
- Opens up the spine
- Strengthens the neck, arms, and shoulders

Breathing exercises to calm our mind
We have started pranayama but we are only doing bee breath now.
Bee Breath/Brahmari Pranayama-
The Bhramari pranayama breathing technique derives its name from the black Indian bee called Bhramari. Bhramari pranayama is effective in instantly calming down the mind
- Helps improve concentration and memory
- Builds confidence.
- Pranayama benefits in reducing blood pressure.
- Helps calm the mind in preparation for meditation.
Alternate nose breathing-
It helps to cleanse and purify the nasal passages, as well as help calm the mind.
- Reduces anxiety and stress
- Calms the mind
- Increases focus and concentration
- It helps in releasing accumulated tension and fatigue.

You can try different combinations of the above asanas and find what suits you and your kid best. Also, these are very easy asanas to begin except for the wheel pose.
It's good to find a specific time to practice yoga and when kids watch you doing this exercise they will follow you. morning time is the best to do yoga as your stomach is empty and you can concentrate more.
Yoga can help your kids learn how to focus and concentrate.
Yoga helps to develop a stronger mind-body connection, which is beneficial for kids both physically and emotionally.
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