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di keeps talking to me about cars and he never gets tired of watching them and updating his knowledge. He’s always asking me questions about them and I try to answer as best as I can, even though I don’t know much about them.
I hardly understand cars but I was very excited to hear about it.
He learns because he is passionate about it and is always eager to know the newest technology in the market.
He is an alternate learner, taking his own approach to gaining knowledge. His motivation helps him to stay focused on his goals. He has a thirst for learning and a passion for discovering new technologies.
This type of learning is important as it gives you creative freedom over the knowledge you can absorb and use in your everyday life. It is not just about finding the right information, but also understanding and internalizing it to become a better learner.
Alternate learning allows you to explore new avenues of education and gain an in-depth understanding of what interests you.
I have noticed that most of the examples he uses are inspired by technology and inventions. It’s not that he can’t think of other examples, it’s just that these are the things that interest him the most. And I think this is because he is an alternate learner.
He learns best when he is interested in the subject matter and when it is presented to him in a way that is stimulating and engaging. For him, boring lectures and texts are a waste of time. He would much rather be doing something hands-on or watching a video about the topic.
This is why I think it’s so important for teachers to find ways to reach all types of learners in their classrooms. Some students will naturally excel
Adi is known for giving out-of-the-box examples and he can strike up conversations about any topic under the sun. He loves to read and learn new things and this helps him come up with interesting examples. Adi is an alternate learner.
An alternate learner is someone who learns differently from the traditional methods of learning in a classroom setting.
I am a work-from-home mom and I spend time exploring topics such as education, learning styles, work-life balance, and parenting. I am creating resources for alternate learners and their families.
I have worked in schools in different capacities such as a teacher, and program coordinator, creating programs for alternate learners.
Adi, my seven-year-old son is my biggest motivation to write and he has inspired me more my son attends a digital school. He is in fourth grade and really loves it. I love it too because I can be there for him while he learns, and help him out if he needs it.
Since we moved to a small town two years back, the only school within half an hour's drive is a very traditional one with very ancient methods. It's a great school, don't get me wrong, but it just wasn't the right fit for us. So we decided to go the digital route instead. And we haven't looked back since!
So we decided to start homeschooling and have never looked back! We love being able to learn at our own pace, and there are just so many amazing resources available online.
After COVID I realized that even more people are turning to digital learning options, and I think this is amazing. It just goes to show that learning can happen anywhere, anytime- all you need is a computer and an internet connection.
Online learning is like learning in real-time, where you have access to authors, experts, and classmates from around the world. It offers a unique and engaging learning experience that is tailored to each individual learner.
How did we reach here?
The advancements in technology have made it possible for us to be able to learn online. We now have access to a wealth of resources and experts from all over the world who can help us learn anything we want, at any time. This has made learning more accessible than ever before and has allowed us to create our own unique learning experiences.
My son's interests vary from week to week, so his learning experiences do too. One week he might be focusing on math, and the next he might be exploring a new country on Google Earth. I love that he can learn about whatever interests him at the moment and that he isn't confined to a certain curriculum. He likes to figure it out for himself.
After COVID when we could break from the system, I saw a change in how my son was learning. He was more engaged and interested in learning than ever before. I think this is because he felt like he had more control over his learning and could explore topics that he was really interested in.
What inspires us?
Many Millenials and Gen Z learners are inspired by the same thing- they want to make a difference. They are using their skills and talents to start businesses, create social media platforms, come up with new inventions.. the list goes on. And it's not just about making money- although that is definitely a perk. These young people want to use their skills to make a positive impact on the world.
What are we passionate about?
I study raising free learners and how to design a lifestyle around that. I am also passionate about writing and helping other people, which is why I decided to start this blog. Slowly I am getting to know many alternate learning explorers, and I love hearing their stories and sharing information.
In the last few months, I have spoken to road schoolers, digital schoolers, and even unschoolers! I love learning about all the different ways that people are exploring education.
What do we hope to achieve?
I hope to show people that there are other options out there and that they can be successful no matter what path they choose. There is so much pressure on young people to go to college and get a degree, but that's not the only way to achieve success. I want to help people find their own way, and show them that they can achieve their dreams without following the traditional path.
It's for all the people who would not like to go the traditional way or just cannot go to college or maybe they do not want to get deep into debt.
What are our values?
Some of our core values are freedom, flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. We believe that everyone has the right to choose their own path in life and that education should be accessible to everyone. We also believe that learning should be fun and engaging, and that it should be tailored to each individual learner.
What makes us unique?
I think what makes us unique is our story. We are a digital family living in a traditional world, and I think our story can inspire others to see that there are other options out there. We are also passionate about sharing information and helping others find their own way in life.
What's our mission?
Our mission is to show people that there are other options out there and to help them find their own path in life. We want to help people learn about all the different ways that they can explore education, and we believe that learning should be accessible to everyone.
Learning and education have always been seen as serious business but we are here to show you that it can be fun too! We believe in having an open mind, being flexible and adaptable, and always continuing to learn.
What's our vision?
Our vision is to create a world where people are free to choose their own path in life, they don't have to be dependent on a system that doesn't work for them. We want to help people learn about all the different ways that they can explore education especially if they do not see themselves fitting into the traditional system.
What are our goals?
Some of my goals for this blog are to continue writing quality content that is helpful and informative, to grow a community of like-minded people, and to eventually make enough money from this blog to support my family. I send weekly newsletters to my subscribers, where I share our learnings, stories, and resources.
I have been meeting people who have chosen a different paths in life and I am inspired by their stories. I hope to share some of those stories on my blog in the future.
Ultimately, our goal is to show people that there are other options out there and to help them find their own way in life without following the traditional path. We believe education should be accessible to everyone and learning can be fun and engaging.
I want to help as many people as possible find their own way in life, and I believe that this blog can be a valuable resource for people who are looking for alternative options.
I also hope to continue meeting and speaking with people who are exploring alternate learning, so that I can share their stories and help others who might be interested in doing something similar.
We want to travel and explore and meet different people and cultures, to see how they learn and experience things differently. We want to continue learning and growing as individuals so that we can help others do the same.
My son is passionate about video games and coding, and he loves spending time on YouTube watching other gamers.
He explores coding on, and is always coming up with new game ideas. He is also exploring making games on
He loves to learn about business and entrepreneurship, and one day he hopes to start his own company. Actually he really wants to do it soon !
Do these choices scare me?
Yes. But I am also so excited for him and the possibilities that he has in front of him. I know that he will be successful no matter what path he choose, because he is passionate and he is willing to work hard.
I am focusing on making the best of the situation we are in, and I am grateful for the opportunities that we have. We are living proof that there is more than one way to achieve success, and I want to help people find their own way, and show them that they can achieve their dreams without following the traditional path.
Is it a normal childhood?
No, it's not a "normal" childhood, but I don't think there is such a thing as a "normal" childhood anymore. Every family is different, and every child is unique. My son is happy and he is doing what he loves, and that is all that matters to me.
This is what we are all about: freedom, flexibility, creativity, collaboration, and above all else,
Does the future belong to self-learners, free learners, and creators?
And with the rise of social media, it's easier than ever for people to share their knowledge and connect with others who have similar interests. I think we're just seeing the beginning of what people can achieve when they have the freedom to learn and create on their own terms.
So what does the future hold for alternate learners? I think we can expect to see even more amazing things from this passionate and driven group of self-learners. They are going to continue to change the world, one blog post, YouTube video, or game design at a time.
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Alternate Learning
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