di and I recently had the opportunity to visit Sajhe Sapne in Kandbari, Palampur, and it was an enlightening experience. We met Aparna, who is responsible for overseeing the activities at Sajhe Sapne, a space dedicated to helping young girls from rural India build essential skills and become independent.

Empowering Young Girls

Sajhe Sapne focuses on equipping girls with skills such as coding, languages, and primary math. They reach out to girls from various parts of India, including Bihar, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh.

Aparna explained that their goal is to connect with rural and remote areas, providing opportunities for girls who might otherwise be overlooked.

During our visit, we saw girls learning HTML and other valuable skills. The idea behind Sajhe Sapne is to help these young women become agents of their own lives, fostering independence and self-reliance.

Girls at Sajhe Sapne building Digital Skills.

A Beautiful and Inspiring Environment

The beauty of Sajhe Sapne’s location is truly inspiring. Surrounded by mountains on all sides, the serene environment encourages openness and self-expression. Aparna believes that this natural setting helps the girls open up and fully engage in their learning journey.

The beautiful campus of Sajhe Sapne and the mountains.

The "Sapne Wali"

At Sajhe Sapne, the girls are affectionately referred to as "Sapne Wali" – dreamers with fire in their bellies.

These young women, aged 18-23 from rural India, are full of dreams and aspirations. Sajhe Sapne is committed to helping them realize these dreams by providing the necessary skills and support.

A Model of Inclusivity and Contribution

The students who can afford to pay do so, but Sajhe Sapne also operates on a principle of inclusivity, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder access to education.

They believe in the "each one teach one" philosophy, where students volunteer or contribute to the community. This model fosters a sense of responsibility and community among the students.

Sajhe Sapne's Mantra for Success

Aparna shared the mantra of Sajhe Sapne: always be open to asking questions. Whether it’s to yourself, the internet, friends, or mentors, asking questions is a crucial part of the learning process. This approach encourages continuous learning and personal growth.

Visiting Sajhe Sapne was an incredible experience. It was inspiring to see an alternative learning space dedicated to supporting young girls and helping them dream big. The commitment to skill-building and empowerment at Sajhe Sapne is truly commendable.

If you are interested in alternative education models that empower and uplift, Sajhe Sapne is a shining example. Their work in helping young women from rural India develop skills and achieve independence is a testament to the transformative power of education.

We left Sajhe Sapne feeling inspired and hopeful for the future these young women are building for themselves.

Join us in supporting spaces like Sajhe Sapne, where dreams are nurtured, and young girls are given the tools to become confident, capable, and independent individuals.

Jun 29, 2024
Skills For Future

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