ducated" isn't the right word."Schooled" or "indoctrinated" is.This isn't a fight between red and blue.
This is a fight between freedom and slavery.
Slavery of the mind.
The difference between schooling and education is the difference between imposed order and emergent order.
Schooling offers a narrow and rigid path that serves the dominant social system.
If you don't conform to that path by memorizing facts and regurgitating information, you are punished.
Bad grades and the threat of not getting a job. Schooling makes you a useful worker.
If you understand how the mind works, you understand how large of a trap it is to narrow your mind on one singular path – that you did not willfully choose, but were conditioned to pursue – because it leads to stupidity and dependency on someone else for your survival.
Think about it.
You are enticed into going to school because it's the only path you know. You only know that one path because your parents and teachers also went through their own schooling.
The teachers learned how to become teachers through other teachers.
Your parents survival is probably dependent on the specialist work they were trained into by a system of teachers teaching teachers how to become teachers.
You want a degree because of status.
You want the title because you think it will help you survive.
So your mind orients itself with that goal and everything else becomes unimportant. Over the course of 4-12 years, you do almost nothing aside from study a biased curriculum and relieve stress through pleasure when you can.
Your mind becomes hardened and reactive by default.Education, on the other hand, offers no path. Education is discovery.
Education is trial and error toward a goal that you deem meaningful. Education is the process of acquiring the knowledge and skill necessary to create a meaningful life.
Education comes down to two main topics:
1) Learning how to learn.
2) Learning how to live.Neither of which are taught in the school system.
You are told what to learn and how to live rather than discovering it for yourself.
As humans, we derive a lot of meaning from how we contribute to the world.
Deep down, we all want to do work that matters. We all want to contribute in a meaningful way to our tribe and world.
If our work is imposed on us, or assigned to us, it's no wonder why we can't find an inherent meaning to our life.
That alone explains much of the vocal "blue" behavior.
The only meaningful and important thing to them is making sure that others fall in line and conform to the same standards they did because they failed to think for themselves.
There are 2 options here.
1) Reform the education system.
2) Pursue your own interest-based education.
The first can be influenced by exposing the current systems flaws.
It's going to take work, waking people up, and new solutions being built by independent thinkers.
The second can happen at any time.You simply have to realize that floating through life isn't going to take you anywhere meaningful.
In fact, doing nothing by your own desire only leads to people taking advantage of you.
Question everything.
Contemplate your place on this planet.
Think deeply about what you want out of life. Pursue the interests that will take you there.You have access to the internet.
If you have the intense desire to learn, build, and adapt, you'll turn out just fine.
The above post is written by @DanKoe, I agree with every word he says here.
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