here are different ways to educate kids, and unschooling is one option that is gaining in popularity. Homeschooling is a type of schooling where children learn through experience and exploration rather than following a set curriculum.

So why would someone choose to homesschool their kids? There are a few reasons. First, homeschooling can be more relaxed than traditional schooling. There is no need to stick to a strict schedule or meet educational benchmarks. This option can be a good fit for kids struggling in a more traditional school setting.

Second, homeschooling can be tailored for each child. Since kids learn at their own pace and through their interests,homeschooling can be more responsive to a child's needs than traditional schooling.

Homeschooling can help kids develop a love of learning. When children are not confined by a curriculum, they can explore their interests and things that excite them. This can make learning more engaging and fun.

Whether or not Homeschooling is the right choice for your family is a personal decision. But it is worth considering if you are looking for an alternative to traditional schooling.

I have always been intrigued by the idea of homeschooling. When schools were finally closed due to COVID,  I had this opportunity to see what we could do together at home and explore.

Of course, I agree that all the parents cannot be at home and give time because they need to earn the bread and butter. If someone does decide to stay back and explore the options, there is so much that one can learn.

When the schools were closed in COVID, there was a frenzy out there - all the publishing companies were providing books for free, TED shared educational materials, authors were sharing podcasts, and artists were sharing and organizing workshops for free. It was a paradise for someone who wanted to learn. I realized that learning doesn't happen in silos - it is all around us, we just need to be more aware.

There was so much on the internet that we almost went crazy collecting and attending sessions. These were fun because they were directly coming from the publishing houses, artists, NASA, TED, etc.

The best part is my son loved it. He was more interested and excited about learning something new every day. We went on cycling, walks and read books, made paintings,tried to identify birds and insects, we did a whole lot of things which I thought I'd never be able to do otherwise.

My belief in homeschooling only grew stronger which led me to research about people who come with a diverse educational background and have a liberal view on education.

When Harry Styles(English singer-songwriter) auditioned for "The X Factor," he was just 16 years old. Before competing for "The X Factor," Styles was studying "A-Levels in Law, Sociology, and Business, and planned to become a physiotherapist," according to Metro. When One Direction became popular, he dropped out of school.

Ryan Gosling (Canadian actor of the fame The Notebook) decided he wanted to pursue acting so strongly that he walked out of high school at the age of 17 when he earned a starring part in a New Zealand historical fantasy play called Young Hercules.

Jennifer Lawrence(American Actress), who starred in The Hunger Games and a number of other films, also left out at the age of 14. "Did you graduate high school?" Bill Whitaker of 60 Minutes inquired. "I dropped out of middle school," she said. I don't have a high school diploma or a GED. "I am self-taught." She goes on to claim that she didn't think she was very bright in school.

I came across this article on how Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg were all college dropouts, and look where they are now!

Tanmay Bakshi- Tanmay Bakshi is someone you should get to know. Computer programmer, an expert in artificial intelligence, and an all-around tech genius. He's created a series of apps, written a book, delivered a TEDx Talk, and spoken at IBM Watson summits in Finland, New Zealand, Denmark, and Australia.


Isaacman, who is 37 years old, began his first business at the age of 15, a year before dropping out of high school, selling credit-card terminals out of his parent's basement. He founded Draken International, the world's largest private air force, when he was 28 years old, then sold it to Blackstone eight years later for a nine-figure price. 

After bringing his restaurant-and-hotel-payments firm public in June, he became a billionaire.

Since he was a child, Isaacman has been seeking an adrenaline high. Michael, his eight-year-old brother, was buying his first house while he was still in high school in the tranquil community of Far Hills, New Jersey. Issacman was eager to leave the house and do something on his own 

He recalls, "I was always highly determined to get to their lifestyle and not that motivated about high school life.

In no way they are looking down at schools instead they are talking about the freedom and the opportunities that homeschooling provides. But before anything the student or the child needs to be understood and supported in whatever needs they have. 

There are many more inspiring stories where successful people have followed their whims to establish themselves. The idea is always to stay motivated and explore options.

There is no decision so perfect for the kid unless the kid enjoys it and shows enthusiasm towards it.

I am not suggesting that everyone should leave school and unschool their kids. I am just trying to show that there are different paths to success and each one of us is special in our way. Let us not confine ourselves or our children to the traditional way of thinking.

We should encourage our children to be curious, think out of the box, and never give up on their dreams.

Homeschooling is an alternative approach to education that focuses on allowing children to learn through natural, everyday experiences. Proponents of unschooling believe that this type of learning is more enjoyable for kids and helps them develop a love of learning. Since they are not confined by a traditional school schedule, unschooled kids have more time to pursue their interests and explore the world around them.

Though it is not a widely known educational option, more and more parents are beginning to consider Homeschooling as a potential choice for their children. If you're thinking about whether or not Homeschooling is right for your family, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

One of the biggest advantages of Homeschooling is that kids have more freedom to learn about the topics that interest them. In a traditional school setting, students are often required to learn material that they may not be interested in. This can make learning feel like a chore for some kids. With homeschooling, however, kids are free to follow their natural curiosity and learn about the things that excite them.

Allowing kids to focus on their interests can also lead to a deeper understanding of the material. When kids are passionate about a topic, they are more likely to remember what they have learned and be able to apply it to real-world situations.

In addition, unschooling can help kids develop important life skills such as time management, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Since they are not following a set schedule, unschooled kids must learn how to manage their time wisely to get the most out of their day. They also learn how to find information on their own and solve problems that they encounter.

Though homeschooling comes with many benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to keep in mind. One of the biggest challenges of homeschooling is making sure that kids are getting a well-rounded education. Since they are not following a traditional curriculum, it is up to parents to make sure that their kids are exposed to a variety of subjects. This can be a lot of work for parents and may require some outside help.

Another potential downside of homeschooling as mostly pointed by others is that children don't get to socialise as much as in schools, parents need to be conscious in providing these opportunities for their kids.

Overall, Homeschooling is a great option for families who are looking for an alternative to traditional education. If you're considering unschooling, make sure to do your research and talk to other parents who have chosen this option for their kids.

I believe in searching, learning, and unlearning so that my kid does not miss the right opportunities. With the internet providing so much and access to information becoming so easy, the world is getting smaller. It's our responsibility to share these different platforms with our kids and then let them choose what interests them more.

Dec 14, 2018
Integrated Parenting

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