ou were a happy girl once, carefree and happy. Life was so easy then, just play around and have fun. You wanted the board exams to get over desperately but it really hit you hard on the last day of your school. On the last day of the school when your friends were leaving you, you were like, “this is the WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!” (later you will realise that was not actually the worst day)

The worst thing happened when you left school and you had to figure out the subjects you would need to choose.You joined college, met new friends, knew what freedom actually meant. Made lots of mistakes (ok, ok! “lots” won’t justify the lots word). It was time to leave college and hunt for jobs and you knew this is the worst things ever. (later you will realise that was not actually the worst thing)

You went ahead and thought, “Now I should settle! You found a partner, got married. Arranged your house, bought new things. Life looked so beautiful and romantic. A good view from the balcony, nice weekends. You knew this was the best thing that ever happened to you. (Wrong!! well, you know what I am talking about)

Life was about to get boring and monotonous when the most beautiful thing happened, yes! you are a mom now and everything around you has transformed. Oh, that coochie-coo laughter and the way they call you m’a-m’a. Nothing can beat that joy, nothing!! (Well, you don’t know what’s coming next)

You must be a new mother now watching your child’s first steps or seeing them talk. Or you must be preparing to send your kid to his/her first school or figuring out the best after school program for him/her. Now, you are a pro giving advice to other moms as well. You are preparing for a new job, may be thinking of quiting because you know your child needs you. May be you are growing in your career or may be you have changed your job. You are not very sure how you landed here actually, you are confused if you are happy or sad!

Some of us have gained weight, some of us have lost( ok, ok none of us). We have friends who have somehow taken the effort to stay and some have strayed away. Some of us are active in the social media sharing our joys and happiness and some of us think its a complete waste of time. Are we at the best place or worst?, we don’t really know but we know that we have figured out so far and we will in the time to come.

Now some of you are thinking of school days, some of you about those college days. Some of you are thinking about me and trust me I have thought of each one of you as I wrote this. It’s funny that we are too far apart to even meet once a year but its good that we remember each other. I am writing a personal post after a very long time,though these days I am still writing on education and parenting. I have some pages and groups.
After reading this some of you will comment or say Hi. Some of you will choose to be shy. But I know you will feel atleast one of the above lines.

Who am I ?
I am Priyanka, finished my schooling somehow. I was not sure if I will pass my maths exam but I managed. (thanks to who ever prayed for me).I am a mom to eight year old boy, I have been managing life like all of you. I am learning everyday- trust me.
My life as a parent:
I am enthusiastic about parenting because come on!, I have experience of 8 years now ( I am sure you will get this)
Well, if you want to find me in real, call me and lets plan a meet.
I have already more than 700 words and now I am tired and exhausted, see you soon in my next post.

Whenever you feel down, remember that you had great days and so there are some bad days. You will find your way- don’t worry. Don’t forget to be grateful of things around you, enjoy little things.
ok bye, now!

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